Single in a double bed.

Please feel free to stop reading and make a cup of coffee and get on with your otherwise uninterrupted day while I waffle on about my morning because someone will read it and that’s all I want. I have a little bit of arthritis in my back and knees and shoulders and neck and brain – that last bit is what my ex-wife would have said on one of her better days. I have begun to notice that when I lie in bed on my left side there is a pain developing right where the ball and socket joint is and over the next number of minutes the pain wanders decisively down my arm to my hand but not into my armpit because that would mean I’m having a heart attack which wouldn’t be all that good. So I have taken to sleeping on my right side all the time which isn’t good because I was accustomed to changing from left to right and back again quite frequently.

But the problem is that my left side was my prefered side and my room is set up for that and now I am feeling that I will need to change my room around. The thing is that when you sleep single in a double bed you..

I remember back to      John don’t. That’s uncalled for!    Well I’m going to anyway. Sorry about that there’s a bad angel sitting on my left shoulder and sometimes it dominates. You know what I mean. I remember when it was a case of sleeping not single in a double bed but double in a single bed. Go here if you want to know what my pathetically miserable mind wants to remember.

Are you back? As I was saying I need to change my bedroom around. Everything is based upon me lying on my left shoulder; I lie on the left side of the bed, my bedside table is on the left, I fling the bedclothes off and throw my right leg over and am standing up on the left of the room close to the door and therefore ipso facto close to the kitchen and the coffee. When I wake up from lying on my right side I have to roll over and my back is a bit sore and that makes it a bit uncomfortable – get over it John. You’re 80. suck it up. I didn’t like that doctor. –

But if I change to sleepin on the other side of the bed I’m going to hafta move the bedside table with the reading-books-late-at-night lamp onto the other side as well but the power points aren’t so easily accessible and I don’t want an extension cord running helter skelter around the wall and anyway that would put me closer to the window and in winter that means that it gets colder at night on that side of the room. Or I could get rid of my double bed and get a single bed but then just imagine all those dreams I would have to get used to not having and Mary Hopkins etc. if you know what I mean. Get Off My Shoulder! . and as for you get over it John. You’re 80. suck it up. It is a nice song though. 

When we were young and had visitors ie cousins and they had to stay the night because we lived a long way out of town and so did they on the other side of town a long way then Mum would put David and me in the same bed so that two cousins could sleep in David’s bed and we were “topped and tailed” which meant she would make up our beds so that there was a pillow at both ends and we would hafta sleep with each others smelly feet poking in each other’s nose but even though it now sounds really bad it always seemed to work out okay and that’s what I meant about sleeping double in a single bed and not what you thought. But I do like that song.


28 thoughts on “Single in a double bed.

  1. I’d come and help you move the room around if I was closer. I have found that I get the best sleep on my stomach. Have you tried that? You need a different doctor who understands YOU!
    We occasionally topped and tailed our kids if we had visitors.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Look at it this way: Sheets for a single bed dry faster than those of a double bed, and a single bed is easier to make. It also takes up less space in a bedroom. It might not be the preferred solution, but it is workable. You might even find it a bit cozy. 

    Liked by 1 person

      1. On the other hand, a double bed provides a bit of hope for a future relationship. Maybe it’s not the time to give up that hope?


  3. They also have soft mattresses toppers, which you can put on the top of your mattress. And are cheaper than buying whole new mattress or bed. You can get them from pillow talk or some other bedding store.
    I have joint pain in my hip, shoulder, and back, it’s definitely easier to sleep with a mattress topper.
    It takes a week to get used to the extra softness.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. John you have obviously got a few aches and pains. You love writing and you have enjoyed yourself making good use of today’s pains. You, with your usual ability, made it enjoyable reading! I think that you have made good use of the pains – now as you say ‘suck it up’ and get on with living. Maybe it is time to write something more.


  5. I sleep single on a queen bed (between twin and king). It gives me plenty of room to move around and change positions when I need to — and that even helps the sciatic pain when I don’t sleep in one position all night!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I tend to sleep in my desk chair more often than in my bed. I sort of doze off when writing or reading of playing solitaire. That way I don’t have to worry about what side I’m sleeping on.

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  7. You are a bit fussy, but there are options…sleep diagonally, move the bed to the opposite wall and then you will be sleeping on your preferred body and room side, or maybe you can suck it up because it doesn’t really matter which side you sleep on for getting up purposes. Okay, now I probably upset you.


  8. Ah, so much I could say … Believe it or not, I have bed problems at the moment too, and believe it or not, I am not 80. But I’m looking forward to getting there – much more than the alternative – which has already happened to THREE of my family/friend network since Sunday night. Yep! You read that correctly, one on Sunday night, (late 70s), one Wednesday arvo (early 80s) and one sometime through Friday night (late 80s, touching 90). Are you feeling better now?

    Anywho, I am house/dog sitting, and the blessed mattress is so soft and deep I keep dreaming I’m drowning in a cloud of something. Then it occurred to me that the normal occupant must sleep alone in this queen bed, so last night I swapped to the other side (sans the problem of moving other furniture), and I think I guessed right. Either that, or I convinced myself life was “harder” on the other side…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve left him behind on this occasion. It’s footy season, the golf weather is good, and he’s already been invited to dinner on three occasions in the one week. I don’t think he’s yet noticed I’m gone.
        Meanwhile … back at the strange bed …


      2. Unless you’re Joni Mitchell … “don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve lost till it’s gone” – a state you seem to be contemplating a lot lately?


  9. If I sleep on my back (which I normally do) I wake with a bad lower back and grinding sacroiliac joints. I didn’t know i had sacroiliac joints until the arthritis started. It truly is a voyage of discovery. To avoid this I try to use my left side, but that has now, as you say, started to produce hip pain. The right is a no go area. I sometimes try it after Julia has got up but it’s so unusual that all my joints seem to ache. Yet I can sleep in an armchair in front of a TV with no ill effects at all 99% of the time.

    I’ve often thought that if I won the lottery I’d have a bed made for me – heating, air-con, several levels, electric motors, a kettle . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  10. A man hasta do what a man hasta do…

    I usually sleep on my right side because that’s the side my heart ain’t, so I always feel it’s easier, or safer, somehow. But each to his own. You can take your time arranging things to suit, or just see what happens. I hate rules: as soon as I make one, I want to break it… Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Topping and tailing sounds like a plan a mom could make out of nothing. As kids we often slept on the floor when there were visitors and there wasn’t enough bedspace. The floor can accommodate many more people than beds.

    Liked by 1 person

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